Similar words: beneficially, beneficial, be beneficial to, beneficiary, beneficiation, mutually, benefic, benefice. Meaning: adj. mutually dependent.
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1. They finally came to a mutually beneficial agreement.
2. It will be a mutually beneficial project.
3. The arrangement was mutually beneficial.
4. To ensure a mutually beneficial outcome it is necessary that both parties be fully informed of all relevant information.
5. The relationship between the two companies has been mutually beneficial.
6. I think it will be a mutually beneficial relationship.
7. Second, uphold mutually beneficial cooperation to achieve common prosperity.
8. Fifth, mutually beneficial cooperation and common development.
9. We will strive for mutually beneficial relations.
10. Mutually Beneficial and Win - win Sino - African Economic and Trade Cooperation.
11. To the merchants in a mutually beneficial basis,( to create work tomorrow.
12. Liaison Office Depot, reduce costs, and mutually beneficial win - win model.
13. You will find arrangement mutually beneficial in the long run.
14. Mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity constitutes the economic guarantee for world peace.
15. "In this sense, it is mutually beneficial — the classic tag line to China's engagement with African countries and one which I think in this case holds," Alden told SciDev.Net.
16. A: I thank it will be a mutually beneficial relationship.
17. Obtaining frankness within families about the feelings and expectations they have of each other can be mutually
18. By sharing the benefits and improvements openly with customers they hope to build the mutually beneficial long-term relationship which is their objective.
19. Cleaning symbiosis on the other hand is a true form of mutually beneficial arrangement with both cleaner and host benefiting.
20. There must be other joint initiatives with publishers as well as with the media and the telecommunications industries which also might prove mutually beneficial.
21. Community Linking is direct people to people contact which leads to equal, mutually beneficial relationships across cultures.
22. Some of those diets were the result of a mutually beneficial alliance between physicians and food producers.
23. It encourages open communication, and learning about processes of living in mutually beneficial ways.
24. The justification for participating in international arrangements is that they are mutually beneficial to all participants.
25. What looks like a zero sum confrontation can, with a little goodwill, be transformed into a mutually beneficial nonzero sum game.
26. It must be pointed out that a Sino-foreign joint business is one of complementary and mutually beneficial partnership.
27. Remember symbiosis, two different organisms that come together for a mutually beneficial partnership?
28. The two sides stated that they will continue to advance mutually beneficial cooperation in economics and trade through the mechanism of the high-level Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade.
29. But he thinks other pitcher plant processes — predator-prey interactions, mutually beneficial species, the effects of disturbance — are found across ecosystems.
30. Facts have proven that China - EU relations are mutually beneficial and win - win.
More similar words: beneficially, beneficial, be beneficial to, beneficiary, beneficiation, mutually, benefic, benefice, beneficent, disability benefit, beneficence, mutually exclusive, officially, mutual, unofficially, superficially, artificially, mutualism, mutuality, mutual fund, benefit, mutual agreement, benefit from, welfare benefits, death benefit, mutual understanding, fringe benefit, for the benefit of, fringe benefits, ineffectually.